You are currently browsing the daily archive for March 21, 2010.

When thinking about keeping track of my grades, a question entered my mind.  With the ever-increasing technology, are teachers completely making the switch from a physical grade book to a computer-based or web-based source?  While surfing the English Companion Ning, I found a great web-based grading system called Engrade.  In addition to Engrade, there are tons of other interactive grading systems where students can view their constantly updated grades.  What about gliches, though?  What if something happens to the system and you lose all of your students’ grades?

Then, there’s always Microsoft Excel.  It’s a wonderfully organized spreadsheet way to keep track of grades.  Is it anymore practical than a gradebook?  I honestly don’t know.  I haven’t had much experience with Excel.

Finally, there’s the traditional, physical grade book.  Perhaps this is the best choice?  Just as easily as a glitch can occur in an online source, couldn’t an accident with a physical grade book happen too?  What if a drink would spill onto the grade book, or what would happen if you lost the grade book?

Having all of these questions in mind, I asked my friends and colleagues on the English Companion Ning. This is what they had to say: Physical grade book? Excel? Engrade?

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Words to Live By

"Don't be fooled by the radio
The TV or the magazines.
They show you photographs of how your life should be
But they're just someone else's fantasy.
So if you think your life is complete confusion
Because you never win the game
Just remember that it's a Grand illusion
And deep inside we're all the same.
We're all the same." -Styx

March 2010